EMC Compliance
EMC Compliance means that an electronic or electromechanical product is compliant to the laws, directives and regulations of the country where it is sold.
The following chapters are thought as free education for those of you out there who have to deal with EMC and product compliance.
Table Of Content
1 Big Picture
Products which are sold on the market should...
...be safe.
...not be health threatening.
...not pollute the environment (e.g. RoHS).
...fulfill expectations regarding quality.
...work as intended in their defined environment (e.g. EMC).
In order to have only products on the market which meet the bullet points above, governments and their legislative bodies issue laws and directives, and your product must be regulatory compliant according to this legislation.
A company that is the legal manufacturer of a product must prove compliance with the regulations. This is done with a conformity assessment. An EMC conformity assessment is necessary for a product that contains electronics. Such an EMC conformity assessment usually comprises the proof of...:
...the manufacturing process control (quality).
...the conformity of the product regarding the applicable EMC standards (EMC test).
Many countries and customs unions also define that not only the manufacturer but also the companies which import (importer) and/or sell a product, must ensure that the product is compliant with the laws and directives of the country where it is imported or sold, respectively.
2 EMC Regulations and Standards

First, every government issues its own EMC regulations (laws, directives) for its country. Whereas these national regulations often refer to multi-national regulations (e.g. countries in the European Union refer to the EMC directive 2014/30/EU).
Second, the government usually builds, appoints, or chooses an organization, commission, or committee which is responsible for defining the applicable EMC Standards for conformity. Such organizations or committees define the applicable EMC standards in a way that products, which pass the tests defined in the applicable EMC standards, are then compliant with the EMC regulations (laws, directives).
​Here is an overview of some authorities (administrations, organizations, commissions, committees) which define the applicable EMC standards for their countries or customs unions. Some of them develop EMC standards themselves, while others refer from their standards to multi-national standards:
Australia, New Zealand:
Electrical Safety: Electrical Regulatory Authorities Council (ERAC)
Canada: Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada (ISED)
Europe Union (EU): European Union (published via Official Journal).
EMC: Japan Voluntary Control Council for Interference (VCCI) is managed under the Ministry of Information and Communications Council (MIC)
Korea (Republic): Radio Research Agency (RRA)
Russia, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Ukraine: Technical Regulation and Accreditation Department of the Eurasian Economic Commission
Singapore: Infocomm Media Development Authority (IMDA)
Switzerland: Federal Office Of Communications (OCOM, BAKOM)
Taiwan: Bureau of Standards, Metrology and Inspection (BSMI)
3 EMC Testing for Global Market Access
The best way to get access to the global market is to test your product according to the International Electrotechnical Commission for Electrical Equipment (IECEE) Certified Body (CB) Scheme. The IECEE CB Scheme is a system for mutual recognition of safety and EMC test certificates of conformity for over 50 countries. It is also a tool for accessing global markets directly, when national authorities and regulators, retailers, buyers, and vendors accept CB Test Certificates and associate test reports.

This is how it works:
EMC Testing. Find a Certified Body Test Lab (CBTL) and test your product according to the CB Scheme at this CBTL and obtain a CB EMC Test Report for your product. All CBTLs are listed on the IECEE website.
CB Test Certificate. Request a CB EMC Test Certificate at a National Certification Body (NCB) for your product. All NCBs are listed on the IECEE website.
Request market access. To obtain a national EMC certification without additional re-testing for a participating CB Scheme country, you have to submit your CB EMC Test Certificate and CB EMC Test Report to the Notified Certified Body (NCB) of that country, where you would like to get market access to. All countries which accept the CB Scheme are listed on the IECEE website.
4 Compliance Marks
Which compliance mark to go for? To decide if and which compliance mark you need for your product, depends on which countries or customs unions (e.g. EU) you want to sell your product to.
Let's take a step back for the big picture of conformity marks: mandatory marks vs. non-mandatory marks.
Mandatory Conformity Marks/Labels. Mandatory marks and labels are legally binding and have to be attached to the product. Examples of mandatory marks and labels are:
Australia and New Zealand - RCM​ mark (Regulatory Compliance Mark)
Brazil - ANATEL label (Agência Nacional de Telecomunicações)
Canada - ISED label (Innovation, Science and Economic Development)
Japan - PSE​ mark (Product Safety Electrical Appliance and Material)
Republic of Korea (South Korea) - KC​ mark (Korean Certification)
Singapore - IMDA label (Infocomm Media Development Authority)
Taiwan - BSMI mark​ (Bureau of Standards, Metrology and Inspection)
Non-Mandatory Conformity Marks. Non-mandatory marks are not legally binding and are therefore optional. Examples of non-mandatory marks are:
Canada - CSA (Canadian Standards Association)
Germany - GS (Geprüfte Sicherheit)
Japan - VCCI (Voluntary Control Council for Interference)
USA - UL (Underwriters Laboratory)

Updated: 01 March 2020
Australia and New Zealand
The Regulatory Compliance Mark (RCM) is the compliance mark for Australia and New Zealand. By end of March 2016, the RCM replaced the former compliance marks called A-Tick (telecommunications equipment requirements) and C-Tick (EMC requirements).
Effective countries: Australia, New Zealand
Responsible authority:
EMC: Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA, Australia), Radio Spectrum Management Group (RSM, New Zealand)
Electrical Safety: Electrical Regulatory Authorities Council (ERAC)
Statutory basis: EMC regulatory arrangements (Radiocommunications Act 1992).
RCM marking obligation for electronic products: Mandatory.
Emissions tests required: Yes.
Immunity tests required: No (not legally binding).
EMC standards: Australian and New Zealand EMC standards (AS/NZS), which are based on IEC and CISPR standards. ACMA mandated EMC standards are published on this website.
Scope of RCM marking: All applicable ACMA regulatory arrangements. This includes: Telecommunications, radio communications, Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC), Electromagnetic Energy (EME), Electromagnetic Radiation (EMR), electrical safety.

Updated: 31 March 2024
ANATEL label
​​The ANATEL label is mandatory for radio- and telecommunications equipment in Brazil. It consists of the ANATEL logo and a numerical code HHHHH-AA-FFFFF, where:
HHHHH identifies the product (5-character sequential numbering)
AA identifies the year of issue of the approval (2-digit type)
FFFFF identifies the product manufacturer (5 numeric characters)
The height of 4mm for the ANATEL logo and 1mm for the height of the numerical code are the minimum values. Color designs must be authorized by ANATEL. Black and white designs do not require prior authorization, and are therefore recommended.
Effective countries: Brazil
Responsible authority: Agência Nacional de Telecomunicações
Statutory basis:
Resolution about certification and approval of telecommunication products: Resolution No. 715 (23 October 2019)
Resolution about numerical code: Resolution No. 752 (22 June 2022)
ANATEL marking obligation for electronic products: For telecommunication products (see list here). For non-telecommunication products, ANATEL label is not used.
Emissions tests required: Yes.
Immunity tests required: Yes.
EMC/safety standards: ANATEL publishes acts (called Ato) which contain the applicable limits and refer to the applicable EMC and safety standards (IEC/CISPR/ITU-T standards). For EMC, the act Ato No. 1120 is valid (former resolution 442). For safety, the act Ato No. 17087 is valid. You can find all acts on this website.
Scope of ANATEL label: Telecommunication products (see Ato No. 7280 (26 November 2020)).

Updated: 31 March 2024
ISED certification label
​The Innovation, Science and Economic Development (ISED) certification number is made up of a Company Number (CN) assigned by ISED's CEB, followed by the Unique Product Number (UPN). For example IC: CN-UPN. The CN can only be obtained from the Certification and Engineering Bureau (CEB) of ISED. The registration number can be presented electronically (on the device's display) or physically on a product label. An FCC test report will be accepted by ISED if it is less than one year old (details on the ISED website). The ISED label of the image displayed on this page is an example of Apple's iPhone 6s.
Effective countries: Canada
Responsible authority:
Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada - ISED (equivalent to United State's FCC)
Certification and Engineering Bureau (provides a certification service for radio equipment and a registration service for terminal equipment).
Statutory basis:​ Radiocommunication Act (R.S.C., 1985, c. R-2)
Product label: ISED certification number (preceded with "IC:"), mandatory.
Emission tests required: Yes (FCC test reports are accepted, details on the ISED website).
Immunity tests required: No.
EMC standards: Emission limits: Interference-Causing Equipment Standards (ICES) refer to CAN/CSA-CISPR standards. Test methods: CISPR 16, ANSI C63.x.

Updated: 21 August 2020
CCC mark​
The China Compulsory Certificate mark (CCC) is a mandatory mark for products sold on the Chinese market.
Effective countries: China.
Responsible authority: State Administration for Market Regulation (SAMR).
Statutory basis: Regulations for Compulsory Product Certification.
CCC marking obligation for electronic products: Mandatory.
Emissions tests required: Yes.
Immunity tests required: Yes.
EMC standards: GB standards (GB stands for Guobiao, which means National Standard). GB standards are based on the international IEC standards.
Scope of CCC marking: Safety, Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC).

Updated: 01 March 2020
Eurasian Economic Union
EAC mark​
The Eurasian Conformity (EAC) mark is the product conformity mark of Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU, former Eurasian Customs Union (EACU)).
Effective countries: Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Armenia (Eurasian Economic Union).
Responsible authority: Eurasian Economic Commission (EEC)
Statutory basis: Technical Regulations of the Custom Union electromagnetic compatibility of technical devices: CU TR 020/2011.
EAC marking obligation for electronic products: Mandatory.
Emission tests required: Yes.
Immunity tests required: Yes.
EMC standards: Russian GOST standards, which are mostly identical to the European EN standards.
Scope of EAC marking: Safety, health, EMC and environmental protection.

Updated: 31 March 2024
European Union
CE mark​
The Conformité Européenne (CE) mark is the product conformity mark of the European Union (EU).
Effective countries: European Economic Area (EEA). 28 EU Member States, Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein (the so-called EEA-EFTA States) and Switzerland and Turkey.
Responsible authority: European Union.
Statutory basis:
EMC Directive (EMCD). Directive 2014/30/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 26 February 2014 on the harmonization of the laws of the Member States relating to electromagnetic compatibility. Be aware that the EMC directive can be overruled by other EU directives or regulations [2014/30/EU article 2, paragraph 3]. Examples are:
Automotive. Regulation (EU) 2019/2144. The Guide for the EMCD states that vehicles and equipment subject to type approval under UNECE Regulation 10 are totally excluded from the scope of the EMCD. The Commission Regulation (EU) 2019/543 of 3 April 2019 amending Annex IV to Regulation (EC) 661/2009 refers for electromagnetic compatibility to the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe Regulation 10 (UNECE R 10).
Radio equipment. Directive 2014/53/EU. The RED overrules the EMCD according to the introductory "whereas"-text, point (8). However, in article 3, paragraph 1b, the RED calls for the same protection regarding EMC as the EMCD. Generally speaking, regarding EMC testing for equipment under RED, the same harmonized EMC standards - as for EMCD - plus the ETSI EN 301 489-x series have to be applied.
Medical. Regulation (EU) 2017/745. The Medical Device Regulation (MDR) overrules the EMCD with its article 1, paragraph 11.
In-vitro diagnostics. Regulation (EU) 2017/746. The In-vitro Diagnostics Regulation (IVDR) overrules the EMCD with its article 1, paragraph 5.
CE marking. Regulation (EC) 765/2008 for accreditation and market surveillance (RAMS).
CE marking obligation for electronic products: Mandatory. However, not all products must have CE markings. It is compulsory only for most of the products covered by the New Approach Directives. It is forbidden to affix CE marking to other products.
Emission tests required: Yes.
Immunity tests required: Yes.
EMC standards: EN standards, developed by CENELEC, CEN, ETSI and in general harmonized with IEC, CISPR standards.
European Standardisation Organizations (CEN, CENELEC, ETSI) publish standards and their date of withdrawal (DOW).
The EU publishes (via its Official Journal (OJEU)) which EMC Standards have to be applied for presumption of conformity. Important: the date of withdrawal of an EMC Standard (published e.g. by CENELEC) is not legally binding. The regulatory/legal date where an EMC Standard loses its status of "presumption of conformity" is the date of cessation, published by the EU via OJEU.
The EU publishes harmonized standards for every EU directive here on this website: References to harmonised standards.
Scope of CE marking: Safety, health, electromagnetic compatibility and other regulations.
EMCD. Find here the EMCD Guide for checking if your product falls under the EMCD and if you need a CE marking. Moreover, the Radio Equipment Directive Compliance Association (REDCA) published freely available ​Technical Guidance Notes (TGN) regarding the EMCD.
RED. The Radio Equipment Directive Compliance Association (REDCA) published the EUANB Technical Guidance Notes (TGN) regarding the RED.

Updated: 12. October 2021
ISI mark​
The Indian Standards Institution (ISI) mark is the product conformity mark of India and the Telecommunication Engineering Centre (TEC) logo is mandatory for telecommunication equipment.
Effective countries: India.
Responsible authority: Ministry of Communication and Information Technology and in addition for telecommunication equipment the Department of Telecommunications for MTCTE.
Statutory basis: Bureau of Indian Standards Act 2016 No. 11 (ISI), Indian Telegraph Amendment Rules (TEC logo, MTCTE certification).
ISI marking obligation for electronic products: List of products under mandatory certification.
TEC logo: Mandatory for telecommunication products (MTCTE)
Emission tests required: Yes.
Immunity tests required: Yes.
EMC standards: Indian Standards (IS) developed by the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS), which are based on IEC and CISPR standards.
For the Mandatory Testing and Certification of Telecom Equipment (MTCTE), the testing and certification procedure TEC 93009 defines the applicable TEC standards and the TEC standards define the applicable IEC or ETSI standards. -
Scope of ISI marking: Safety, health and environmental protection.
Scope of MTCTE certification: Performance of telecommunication network, safety of end-users, radio frequency emissions.

Updated: 01 March 2020
PSE mark Cat. A, PSE mark Cat. B, VCCI mark
The PSE Category A mark (diamond) is the Japanese conformity mark for Specific Products. The PSE Category B mark (round) is the Japanese conformity mark for Non-Specific Products. PSE stands for Product Safety Electrical Appliance & Material. The Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) decides which products belong to Category A (specified products) and which product below to Category B (non-specified products). The difference for Category A (diamond) to Category B (round) is, that Category A products must pass an additional conformity assessment by a Registered Conformity Assessment Body. Here is a good overview on how to get access to the Japanese market: Flow of Procedures for Notifying Suppliers.
The Voluntary Control Council for Interference (VCCI) mark is the voluntary Japanese conformity mark for Information Technology Equipment (ITE) based on the CISPR recommendations.
Effective countries: Japan.
Responsible authority: Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI).
Statutory basis:
Order for Enforcement of the Electrical Appliances and Materials Safety Act
Ordinance for Enforcement of the Electrical Appliances and Materials Safety Act
Ministerial Ordinance Specifying Technical Requirements for Electrical Appliances and Materials
Interpretation of the Ministerial Ordinance Specifying Technical Standards for Electrical Appliances and Materials
Interpretation of the Scope, etc. of Electrical Appliances and Materials
Review Standards for Dispositions Made by the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry Based on the Electrical Appliances and Materials Safety Act, etc.
Marking obligation for electronic products:
PSE Cat A. (diamond): Mandatory for Specified Products.
PSE Cat B. (round): Mandatory for Non-Specified Products.
VCCI: Voluntary control of radio disturbances emitted from Information Technology Equipment (ITE).
Emissions tests required: Yes.
Immunity tests required: No.
EMC standards: JIS standards which are based on CISPR and IEC standards.
Scope Of The Mark: Safety (PSE). EMC and EMI (VCCI).
PSE Cat A. (diamond): Specified Products
PSE Cat B. (round): Non-Specified Products

Updated: 31 March 2024
Republic of Korea
KC mark​
The Korean Certification (KC) mark is the product conformity mark of the Republic of Korea (South Korea).
Effective countries: Republic of Korea (South Korea).
Responsible authority: EMC: Radio Research Agency (RRA). Safety: Korean Agency for Technology and Standards (KATS).
Statutory basis: EMC: Radio Wave Law. Safety: Electric Appliances Safety Control Act.
Marking obligation for electronic products: Mandatory.
Emissions tests required: Yes.
Immunity tests required: Yes.
EMC standards: Korean EMC Standards (KS), which are mostly identical to the International Standards (IEC). See e.g. here in annex 6 of the Free Trace Agreement (FTA) EU-Korea FTA User Guide for Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) and Electric Safety Certification.
Scope of KC mark: Safety, Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC), wireless and Radio Frequency (RF).

Updated: 21 August 2020
CH mark
The CH mark is the Swiss conformity mark. Switzerland does also accept products with the CE mark (according to the agreement between the European Community and the Swiss Confederation on mutual recognition in relation to conformity assessment).
Effective countries: Switzerland.
Responsible authority: Federal Office Of Communications (OCOM, BAKOM).
Statutory basis: 734.5 Ordinance of 25 November 2015 on Electromagnetic Compatibility (OEMC).
Marking obligation for electronic products: Either CH or CE is mandatory. CE is not mandatory (because the CE mark belongs to the EU).
Emissions tests required: Yes.
Immunity tests required: Yes.
EMC standards: OCOM releases EMC standards. Basically, they are identical to the EN standards.
Scope of CH mark: Electromagnetic Interference (EMI), Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC).

Updated: 21 August 2020
BSMI mark
The Commodity Inspection Mark, which is also also named Bureau of Standards, Metrology and Inspection (BSMI) Mark or Product Safety Mark is the product conformity mark of Taiwan for Information Technology Equipment (ITE), audio and video devices, appliances and wireless products.
Effective countries: Taiwan.
Responsible authority: Bureau of Standards, Metrology and Inspection (BSMI).
Statutory basis: Commodity Inspection Act and the respective regulations and directions.
BSMI marking obligation for electronic products: Mandatory.
Emissions tests required: Yes.
Immunity tests required: Yes.
EMC standards: Most of the Chinese National Standards (CNS) are derived from IEC and CISPR EMC standards.
Scope of BSMI mark: Safety, health, environmental protection, electromagnetic compatibility and other technical regulations or standard.

Updated: 31 March 2024
TSE mark
According to the EMCD Guide about the EMC Directive (EMCD) 2014/30/EU, the EMCD does also apply to Turkey. Turkey accepts the CE mark in case the declaration of conformity for the CE mark was translated into Turkish.
For radio equipment, the used radio frequency used determines how to get the approval. In case the equipment uses harmonized frequencies (EU, Turkey) the RED 2014/53/EU (2014/53/AB) can be applied. In case of non-harmonized frequencies (frequencies which are not allowed or regulated in EU), a Turkish BTK type approval is required.
​The TSE Mark is the Turkish conformity mark for electronic products, which indicates compliance of a product to relevant Turkish Standards (TSE) and gives the permission to use the TSE mark upon the product and/or packaging. In case a product has the CE conformity, the TSE mark is optional.
The TSEK Mark (Certificate of Conformity to the TSE Criteria) is the Turkish conformity mark in case there are no relevant Turkish Standards available and your product is not CE certified. Such products are subject to the technical conditions accepted by the Turkish Standards Institute based on the conditions of Turkey and/or other countries.
Effective countries: Turkey
Responsible authority:
Statutory basis:
Radio Equipment Directive (RED): TELSÄ°Z EKÄ°PMANLARI YÖNETMELİĞİ TASLAÄžI (2014/53/AB)
Emissions tests required: Yes.
Immunity tests required: Yes.
EMC standards: The Turkish Standards Institution (TSE) releases the EMC standards for Turkey. Basically, they are identical to the EN standards.
Updated: 31 March 2024
United Kingdom
UKCA mark
The United Kingdom Conformity mark (UKCA mark) is the conformance mark in Great Britain to indicate conformity of a product to the UK legislation. Find out more on this website and subscribe to their newsletter. In most cases, businesses have the flexibility to use either the UKCA or CE marking to sell products in Great Britain (GB) [reference].
Effective countries: Great Britain (England, Scotland and Wales). North Ireland requires the CE mark [reference​].
Responsible authority: Department for Business & Trade
Statutory basis: UK Statutory Instruments 2019/696 (Product Safety and Metrology etc. (Amendment etc.) (EU Exit) Regulations 2019)
Marking obligation for electronic products: Mandatory.
Emissions tests required: Yes.
Immunity tests required: Yes.
EMC standards: The British Standards Institution (BSI) maintains the EMC standards. Most BSI standards are just an identical copy of the EN standards from the EU.
Scope of UKCA mark: Safety, health, environmental protection, electromagnetic compatibility, and other regulations.

Updated: 23. July 2022
FCC mark
The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) mark is the product conformity mark of the United States of America (USA).
Effective countries: United States of America (USA).
Responsible authority:
Medical devices: Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
Statutory basis: 47 CFR Part 15 (ITE), 47 CFR Part 18 (ISM)
Marking obligation for electronic products: Applicable to electronic equipment. Labeling with FCC mark on the product is optional.
Emissions tests required: Yes.
Immunity tests required: No.
EMC standards: Emission limits: 47 CFR. Test methods: FCC MP-5-1986, IEEE/ANSI C63x
Scope of FCC mark: Electromagnetic Interference (EMI), Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC).
Medical Devices EMC Guidance. Find here the guidance document of the FDA regarding Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) of Medical Devices - Guidance for Industry and Food and Drug Administration Staff.
Medical Devices Wireless Guidance. Find here the guidance document of the FDA regarding Radio Frequency Wireless Technology in Medical Devices - Guidance for Industry and Food and Drug Administration Staff.